Sunday, January 15, 2006

Polyphasic Sleep: pre-day: -1 becomes "cycle #0001"

Since I only got 3.5 hours sleep last night (I have not started my PolySleep yet) my first 45 min of the day started off fairly groggy, but right now (09:45) I feel pretty good.

I decided to find/read more blogs from other people to get a better idea of what I'm going to be up against, the major problems other people faced, and how they overcame the challenges.

I ran across Tynan's blog. He seems to be doing pretty well (45+ days). However, I had to laugh out loud when I read this post from Dec 16th, in which he talks about his crazy setup to make sure he doesn't over sleep! I would have never thought it would be required to put an air compressor horn 2 feet from your face!? I'll have to set up my laptop to pump some deathly annoying mp3 through my 18" bass amp, set near my head.

I have just decided to make LAST NIGHT my last night of full (although short) sleep.... no sense in sleeping a full night tonight since nothing is planned for tomorrow. I'll take my first nap from 10:00-10:30 and call this "cycle #0001" (yes, I'm THAT geeky).

Food: The only thing I've had to eat so far today are my few normal prunes and 100% grapefruit juice.

Dreams: don't remember any dreams from last night.

It's 5-til .... off to the van for my nap.

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