Thursday, August 24, 2006


Ooops... have not been updating on a daily basis.
I REALLY pulled a muscle bad, last week, and have not done any running at all this week.

Thursday (Aug 24th)
8:15:00 started
8:24:17 1st mile (9:17) - stage2 breathing
8:33:17 2nd mile (9:00) - stage3 breathing
8:43:15 3rd mile (9:58) - walk/jog (mostly jog)

I forget how the temp/humidity was, but was feeling a bit of soreness in my right leg... somewhere in the back.. not at high as my calf.

Friday (Aug 25th)
9:25:00 started
9:34:25 1st mile (9:25) - stage2 breathing
9:46:37 2nd mile (12:12) - REALLY pulled a muscle bad about half way through this mile and had to actually limp back home the last half mile.

In fact, it has been so bad that I had a bit of trouble just walking on it over the weekend, and even today (Wednesday) I can still feel it enough to know trying to jog would be pointless.

I've been downing quite a bit more of my protein powder lately... I have a strong suspicion that I've not been feeding my muscles enough.... certainly doesn't seem like I've been getting the 180 grams of protein I need each day.

I've been away from my jogging more days than I thought... I am starting to think I should really get in to something new... aerobic.... to keep my breathing going, since that seems to be SO important for the jogging.

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