Monday, August 21, 2006


Well, even though I DID wake up a bit earlier today, I still didn't get out to jog until 10:50. I think tomorrow I'll make it a point to get out before 8:30.

10:50:00 start
10:59:02 1st mile = 9:02 (all stage2 breathing)
11:08:03 2nd mile = 9:01 (all stage3 breathing)
11:18:35 3rd mile = 10:32 (walk/jog combo)

Looks like I finally made some good progress on the total time for all 3 miles! Legs didn't give me any trouble... it's that stupid out-of-breath thing. I'm gonna have to see if the time of day/temperature has something more to do with that.

The temp was about 97F during the time of my run, with 40% humidity (according to Weatherunderground - I think I should check my own reader).

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