Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Felt pretty good today.

9:25:00 start
9:33:40 1st mile (8:40 wow!) - stage2 breathing (stage1 first 2 minutes)
9:43:22 2nd mile (9:42) - stage3 and stage2 breathing
9:53:27 3rd mile (10:05) - walk/jog combo

WeatherUnderground reports temp is 85F with 71% humidity, and yes... i could feel it today!

I am having some problems with one of the muscles below my calf muscle in the back of my right leg. I could feel a bit of soreness (pain) yesterday evening.. just walking on it, and this morning also. I could feel it a bit, but as you can see I did pretty well with the run anyway. I think it might have to with just the small amount I've been eating recently. I'm not TRYING to eat light, but just have not been very hungry. Anyway, I think it could be a lack of protein intake needed to replenish/rebuild the muscles due to all this jogging. After each run I DO take a 24 grams of protein with some whey protein powder mix.

As for the vinegar.... found a recipe for some cleansing thing that is suppose to help (maybe) with love handles, so I'll see what that does for me. 2 tbps apple cider vinegar, 2 tbps lemon juice, as much cayenne as you (I) can stand. Drank it in two gulps. "YUM"

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