Friday, August 18, 2006

short week

This has been a light week. Only ran one other day... Monday, I think... and forgot to post about it. Several personal things happened this week, and took my attention... strange how we can be so easily sidetracked! The hardest part is being sure to keep with it.. hop back in the saddle and GO.

Anyway, let's get to the details of today:
10:36 start
10:45 first mile (9 min) - stage 2 breathing (L-R-L in / R-L-R out)
10:54 second mile (9 min) - stage 3 breathing (L-R in / L-R out)
11:06 third mile (12 min) - walk/jog combo (total = 3 miles and 30 minutes)

The temps have been over 100F most days for this week.
I think the main reason for mostly walking the 3rd mile is due to the heat, and possibly my small meals. I don't mean to "make excuses", but feel it's important to document possible causes. Ultimately I need to move past this 3-mile limit and start doing 4, 5, then 6 miles. It was really my breathing that was bothering me so much... not my legs... just couldn't catch my breath enough, and stopping for a bit seemed to take over.

Maybe this next week I should try doing my run a bit earlier... 7am.. I wonder how that would affect things. I also want to work on a 4-mile route, so I'm ready... maybe just force myself to take the next step.

We'll see more, next week!

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