Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Where have I been??

Well... had been a bit of a secret.
I spent last week in Peru, so no jogging or updates.

THIS week has been a little interesting because of the time off while in Peru.

I was eating quite a bit more down there than I had been eating while here at home. And not really getting any exercise at all.... hmm.. it was only a week, but still.. how would that affect my run?

Monday, I woke up around 9 or so, and started my jog about 10:20. WOW! It seemed very hot and humid compared to the weather I was starting to get use to in Lima, Peru. I was breathing very heavy and legs aching a bit... I ran most all the first two miles, except part of the last uphill stretch. It was about all I could take, so decided to stop there, and not even walk the last 3rd mile. Even though I did walk the last bit, I noticed my total time was still just about a 10 minute mile.

Tuesday, I did a bit of house work, and so didn't get out for my run until 9:46 PM! The air was quite a bit cooler, and it was dark, of course. I was really amazed to find out my legs felt really good. Also, my breathing was very controlled and not too heavy the entire run! Even during the uphill parts. I completed the first two miles "easy", and felt so good, I continued on running... and ended up not walking ANY of the 3 mile route! Looking at my watch I saw I was 2 full minutes ahead of a 10 minute mile pace as well! I have a feeling MOST of this had to do with the fact I was running at night.

Wednesday (today), I got off to a late start. It was fully overcast, so no hot sun beating down on me, but... it had only been a little more than 12 hours since my last run.... but the biggest factor today is probably STILL the high heat and humidity! I ended up running the first 2 miles without too much difficulty.... and about 1 minute ahead of normal pace. A bit of more heavy breathing at the last uphill stretch. Then did a walk/jog combination for the last 3rd mile. Even still, the total time was 28:30, putting me at a 9:30 minute/mile average, which seems a little fast for the amount of time I did walk that last mile. I will have to double check the distance for that last mile.

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