Monday, January 16, 2006

cycle #0005

Sleep/Wake: Almost positive I went to sleep. Not sure I got to REM.. certainly don't remember a dream, but I normally don't anyway. When the alarm went off I had the urge to hit the snooze, but made the decision to get out of bed.

Mental: It's been about 30min total, and I'm still not happy about waking up. In fact, I looked at the clock a few min ago and consciously thought "Why am I doing this? No one else is up at this hour. I'm setting myself up to be an outcast. This is silly. Go back to bed." It's hard to concentrate, and obviously I'm thinking along more "survival" lines and less on personal desires. I want to make excuses to get back in bed. I'm glad I made some firm plans before hand.... I MUST wait until at least 6am before my next nap, but perhaps just waiting 2 hours between naps would work as well. I really don't feel like DOING anything.

  • uh..
  • (04:35) Did a few jumping jacks and now feel a bit better. Eyes still feel better closed than open, but not as HEAVY draw to bed. I WAS thinking I might try another nap (I NEED to get to that REM sleep) here at 05:00, but now think I can put it off until 06:00
  • Add songs to my play lists

    Food: Started the cycle off (03:35) with grapefruit juice and half an apple. I'm feeling to tired to prepare food. (04:45) celery stick, grapes

    UPDATE (05:55) Well, I finished my new "Sleep" mp3... much more soothing. We'll try it out this time. I'm fairly tired, but could probably do jumping jacks to stay awake longer if needed. Right now I feel it's more about getting my body able to start REM within 20min rather than to see how long I can stay awake. See you at 06:30
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