Monday, July 10, 2006

More On Exercise

I'm not sure how much of an "experiment" this is. But, I do think there is some interesting data here to collect, and so I thought I'd add it to my blog.

About a month ago I started getting back outside for some jogging.
A couple of years ago I had been jogging about 3 miles a day, 5 days a week.
Like many things... I got side tracked and slipped out of it.

It was only 6 months ago that I was still doing a very occational 1-2 miles.
But WOW! When i got out the first time again I was only able to run about
.5 miles, then walk .75 miles, run another .25 miles, and walk the final .5
miles of my 2 mile route! How pathetic !

Over the next 2 weeks I commited myself to not push TOO hard, because I
did not want to over do it so much that I could not keep going out each day.
But, I did add anywhere from a couple hundred feet to 1/4 mile of jogging
each day.

This is when I thought about first adding the info to my blog. I am starting
to prepare for one of the city-wide 10k races early next year (2007), and so
thought.... how long, and what will be my regular progression from .75 miles
of jogging the first day, to a full 6 miles of jogging needed for the race?

I WAS happy to see that my speed/pace still seems to be just at a 10 minute mile.
The same as 2 years ago, so I'm very happy about THAT!

This last week has really had a couple days that I've been so busy working
on my house that I've not been able to run every day, so I decided to get
in a little on the weekends, during lunch breaks.

Today is the start of a new week, and so I hit the pavement around noon time
(yes... in Austin it is 91 degrees and lovely humidity -- I have decided to
kill two birds with one stone and run during the high sun, to work on my tan
at the same time... and one reason I might be slower at ramping up my distance)

I was able to jog just about the first full 2 miles, but the last stretch is
up a fairly steep hill, so walked it. But decided to extend the route to my
3-mile path and ran another .5 miles of it.

From this point I'll keep up with the blog daily.

The goal is 6.2 miles (10km) in 65 minutes by February 2007.

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